Thursday, February 21, 2008

Introduction to us Fatties

Welcome and Thank you for viewing our inaugural post.
In this post you will meet our founding members. We have been playing with each other for years. We all play on the 360 no gay ass PS3 pansy machine. We are a adult themed clan. Dirty words and topics can be heard throughout our matches. Were not interested in battling your clan unless its at the dinner table. Our rankings matter a little inside the games some of us have good gamerscores some don't.What we do have is a combined weight of a couple of thousand pounds.
So lets meet the clan only gamertags no first or last names we know who we are.


Thats me I am one of only two of us that is actually fat like i said before the rest are just chubby chasers. I think its just jealousy. Lets put it this way I'm big enough that a waitress knows not to try to sit me in a booth when i go out to eat. For that matter knows not to come near me while I'm chewing. Enough about me.

die die die 666 aka FAT

The other fat guy. The only other person i know who could match me in food consumption. Rumor has it he walked into a BK thought it was a buffet cleaned 'em out in twenty five minutes. Combined we weigh as much as the rest of the team

Ramrod Team aka Teamkiller

This guy likes to think he is "stocky" but when you buckle your seatbelt and it suddenly is gone your well on your way.So why teamkiller you ask. If you get him laughing he literally can't stop so in turn we all start laughing and crying thats it game over now were down by 300 hence team killer as far as "stocky" it doesn't help when your banging marie callender herself.

reddragon 68 The trash can

I have seen this guy eat some of the most amazing combinations of food in my life. One example a whole plate of leftover salmon topped with (are you ready) cottage cheese hot sauce bluecheese dressing fried rice cocoa puffs fruity pebbles and choclate syrup all on one plate.To top it off he doesn't like cream in his coffee wierdo. He once ate a stack of shhetrock boards thinking they were vanilla crispy wafers.

pmpn420 aka slim

slim as you might guess is one of the slimmer of us all someone who can eat as much as us play and sit onb his ass as much as us and doesnt gain a pound.I saw him clean out a chinese buffet just caus he had some brownies with green shit in them whatever that means.Word on the street is he will whore himself out for achievments.

kiss my gritz 08

As the only female member she has to endure alot of shit from us. She is a true gamer chick and a true fattie. She'll wreck you in cod4 then she'll wreck a dozen donuts. The only girl i know that can fart louder than all of us. If during a match she seems to not be talking, She's eating.

armlessguybites aka polokahonis

Don't ask Don't tell is his motto
He tries to ask tough but it's kind of hard when you have a dick print on your forehead. We thought he was perfect for this clan when he said he has an addiction to sausage. none of us knew it was man sausage. He's Learning how to be a para trooper so he can drop in on gay parades and krispy kreme grand openings. While in a match you hear "he came right up behind me and i just stood there" you know that was him

swabla aka The motor city mongoloid

Oh swabla what can i say. He is the eminem of our little family He's white he lives near 8 mile and he thinks he can rap just to be near his idol. What is really amazing is that he eats about six pounds of m&m's a day. He can't ever talk right cause he always has a mouthfull. I'm sure his rap career would of took off if he' swallow [in more ways than one ] He once ate through a swimming pool full of pudding just to get a limited edition of my name is from eminem.

Well thats the main members of our clan. If you want to join there are some requirements email has to be a pic or video of a feat of fatness SPOTTHIS


Anonymous said...

i love you fat people. you guys are so jolly. emem good thats a good pig raost

Anonymous said...

ramrod is gay

Anonymous said...

SPOTTHIS I love u man i wish you were thin enough for me to put my arms around you but i dont think that is gonna happen unless you jenny craig it or subway so i must leave now pillsbury luv u

Anonymous said...


Pmpn420 said...

.................Ramrods real gay.