Monday, March 10, 2008

Death of a clan member least there's food

RIP sweet kissmygritz08 RIP We are all saddened at the untimely leave of one of our founding members. It was bound to happen It should not have happened at all. Alas someone with an ego (not to be confused with eggo's fatty) the size of hers would not last, it can't last.Of course i kid she is not dead she just can't take not hearing compliments every 5 minutes. I guess that overrules family responsibility. So let me be the first to apologize sweet phy . Let me say I am sorry that we are "seasoned" gamers. I am sorry that when we find out your a girl and not another 14yr old boy our hormones don't go crazy. I am sorry that we know that when you do go out on a date you can only hold back your bodily functions for so long. I was there when your parents and family made the decision to buy a one floor house 'cause you just couldn't make the stairs. I was there to help put extra support frames for your bed. It saddens me that you leave us so soon after embracing your addiction to food. I will speak for all when i say were still here and we always will be but i must let the truth be told.
The pic on her bio is her food coach she helps her eat only healthy things carrot's and what not so here is a pic from her last B-day we put the cake down then get the fuck out of the way.We love you phy but you need help
We are sorry you left us for the south for the yellowhammers (gay) and for someone who decided to name themselves after the most fucking retarted movie characters in all cinematic history have fun and you will be missed


Anonymous said...

the picture does not do her justice. 1 the cake was much bigger and she did not leave one crumb!!!! she even lifted her fat fols to get all the crumbs. Alas, she is a perfect woman for Alabama.....Actually she's on the skinny side fo the south (southern women love thier fried food) just feed her,20 times a day or you'll be eaten alive. We will miss her!!!!NOT

swabla said...

Haha if you look closely you can see her headset hidden by her many chins